Why Use an AirTag Stethoscope Name Tag?
Apple AirTag + Stethoscope = won't lose stethoscope again!

Suitable for all types of stethoscopes
Free shipping to Australia
Able to ship across the World
1-4 weeks lead time for the custom stethoscope name tag to be made before delivery.

Customisable AirTag Stethoscope Tag
The platform available allows users to choose the colour of the stethoscope tag. Be able to see whether it matches their current stethoscope colour and select the bluetooth tracker type that is used.
Above all else, it allows users to put in their name or anything else and choose various fonts and sizes
3D-printed AirTag compatible Stethoscope Name Tags were tested to withstand use in clinical settings
What is included?
1x Customised AirTag Stethoscope Name Tag (ASA)
1x screw driver
4x screws (2 for the tag, 2 extra)
1x custom case (PLA)

Our location
We are located in Australia.
However, we do ship internationally.
What people say about us
Incredibly useful. I've lost my stethoscope so many times. Now, when I leave it behind somewhere in the wards, I get a notification so I know where it is.
Jane - Intern
I love that a name tag allows an AirTag to be integrated to it. The fact that it hides the AirTag away, rather than showing it off is another positive for me.
I used to put a tile on my stethoscope. However, I found the tile quite large and just did not like the zip-tieing it. I also had a Littman tag along with that. Together, it just seemed too much. Now, there's no more tile sliding up and down my stethoscope. This stethoscope tag is definitely a neater solution.
Glen - Junior Doctor
I used to think that the laser etching when I got my stethoscope was enough. Boy was I wrong. It is too small. Also, no one really goes out of their way to call someone about their stethoscope because it is always assumed that the owner is coming back. Now, with the name tag and airtag as one, it is so easy to locate my stethoscope.
David -Medical Student